Monday, September 15, 2014

7: A Mutiny it WILL Be

So, i am reading the book 7: an experimental mutiny in excess by Jen Hatmaker and I can tell you already that a mutiny it will be.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I am all for purging my closet every once in a while, but when I open that door and see all my shoes in their appropriate cubbies, by style, color and season something inside me flutters and i do a little dance- every single time.  I have major OCD tendencies...don't act surprised.  Why did I pick that book up in the first place?  Moving on to food... I thought for a minute- hey, if i can't play in my closet i'll just spend my creative energy organizing my pantry, with all my glass jars and baskets, the top shelf for wine and baking, the bottom shelf lined with toddler food pouches, boxes of tea and vitamins, and the middle shelf reserved for all the cutesy gluten free items i'm trying this week.  Mutiny.  Excess.  Without excess there is nothing left to organize?  Hmm....  Maybe Jesus and I will make a pact and 7 will become 5?  Jesus, you are not allowed in my closet or my pantry.  Social media...blah, possessions...boring, waste- oh yeah, spending- nothing to spend anyways, stress- uh, ok maybe that will be tougher than i expect.  Let me know if anyone is up for this challenge.  And no, i didn't mean your own challenge with excess...I meant the challenge to "support me" in divesting my life of all things 'leftover, aborted, abandoned, kept but not 'kept', in, but not of the closet, forgotten, misused, abused, and for better or for worse - enmeshed with my life!  Ok, on to other things............

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